In today's world, we hardly make it back to the here and now. We want to complete many tasks in the shortest possible time, be everywhere at once and please everyone.
In the Mind Retreat | Soul Space series, you can detach yourself from everyday life. Immerse yourself in the micro- and macrocosm and discover new worlds. Sound and light will transport you into the present moment, giving your imagination free rein in the subconscious
play | ground.

The project Mind Retreat | Soul Space is a performance series in which I combine my Liquid Light Show with different musicians, DJ's and performance artists. For the opening on October 28th, 2023, I selected and mixed the accompanying music myself. 

The live performance creates an abstract interplay of light and colour, which conjures magical morphing forms. These will give form and substance to the instrumental and electronic sounds, the latter also influencing the light show in an ongoing exchange.